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Credit Repair/Counseling
Maybe you're in the middle of a tough financial situation right now, or you're dealing with issues and emotions you never thought you would have to experience. If you are struggling to make your budget work, you need a plan to eliminate debt, or you have a real estate question, I can help.
Remember the economic recession from 2008? Many of us are still recovering from it! Were you ever taught to manage your money? Many haven’t been taught in our schools and don’t know how to incorporate it into daily living. Our parents are often in debt and we live to “keep up with the Jones’.
Do you know about the 3 buckets? It’s not how much you earn; but, how well you manage money. Our clients needing credit repair have earned $30,000 or $100,000. Again, it’s not how much you earn, it’s how well you manage your money. Without proper money management, you may need help with Credit Repair and Restoration.
Our expert credit counselors help you:
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